Bierer Law Group, 1 Village Square #165, Baltimore, Maryland

U.S Attorney's office Attorney's office, Law US, Rate, Review, Condition, Defense, Assurance

Bierer Law Group

Company Name: Bierer Law Group
Status: Active
State: Maryland
City/town: Baltimore
Post: 21210
Address: 1 Village Square #165, Baltimore, MD
Phone: (410) 539-5857
Fax: unknown
Web site:
Specialty practice in: Business Services law
  • Law firm
  • General practice attorney
  • Trial attorney
In summary:
  • As long as you work with them, they will work with you.
  • He is very nasty in the way he talks to people and it’s very unprofessional.
  • He has helped me and my family through a rough time due to my own student loan.
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Bierer Law Group is based in Baltimore, county, Maryland Area of expertise: Business Services law


Name: N.F.
Message: Prem, your assistance, patience professionalism and understanding of my situation was greatly appreciated! Thank you so very much for helping me! You are awesome!
Name: T.D.
Message: I have been working with the Bierer Law for two years and they are outstanding. As long as you work with them, they will work with you.
Name: O.A.
Message: Debt collection law firm.. have to confess.. service here is pretty good. they help to get you debt paid off ASAP with flexible terms. special thanks to William Frey.
Name: C.M.
Message: Mr. Bill Frey (if I'm spelling it correctly) is one of the most professional, courteous and kind people I have ever dealt with. He works with you in such a delicate and personal manner that I can not articulate. He has helped me and my family through a rough time due to my own student loan. He is empathetic and works with you. If you need help - he is the person you need to speak with. I am so grateful to have had his knowledge and guidance. Thank you, Mr. Frey.
Name: A.M.
Message: I have not had one problem they work with you to pay off your debt.
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