Day Armanda B Attorney, 23 Water Street # 300, Bangor, Maine

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Day Armanda B Attorney

Company Name: Day Armanda B Attorney
Status: Active
State: Maine
County: Penobscot
City/town: Bangor
Post: 04401
Address: 23 Water Street # 300, Bangor, ME
Phone: (207) 947-0303
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site:
Specialty practice in: Adoption lawFamily law
  • Family law attorney
  • Divorce lawyer
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Day Armanda B Attorney is based in Bangor, Penobscot county, Maine Area of expertise: Adoption law, Family law


Name: H.H.
Message: Two things you don't scrimp on, doctors and lawyers. She charges a high rate, but worth every penny of it!
Name: A.L.
Message: Anyone who reads the review posted by Dr. Bryan Lundquist can undoubtedly surmise that he is someone retaliating to attorney Day because he did not get the legal outcome that he felt he deserved. The truth is that attorney Armanda B. Day not only talked to our children in each of our homes and in our presence, but she talked to them at school and in her office. I think she spoke to our children 7 times in person and this does not include the times that she corresponded with my two older children personally when they emailed her with their concerns. My children felt comfortable talking to Armanda and that she was a safe person that they could confide in. My children have expressed to me how thankful they are that Armanda actually listened to what they had to say. Armanda went above and beyond to talk to people in my children's lives and get to the truth of what had been going on. She did so without guarantee of compensation for her time invested. Armanda endured this long and difficult case with tenacity in advocating for my children which was her designated role and I will always be grateful for her determination to discover and express the truth in court on behalf of my children.
Name: K.E.
Message: Expensive but extremely talented!
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