Rock, Danny F
Company Name: Rock, Danny F
Status: Active
State: Kentucky
County: Larue
City/town: Hodgenville
Post: 42748
Address: 29 Lincoln Square, Hodgenville, KY
Phone: (270) 358-3166
Fax: (270) 358-8709
Web site: unknown
- Real estate attorney
In summary:
- The meanest group of people ever lived .
- He's a great landlord
- Rude office workers that are ignorant of law even if Mr. Rock is a lawyer.
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Click here add new review about Attorney office Rock, Danny F
Rock, Danny F is based in Hodgenville, Larue county, Kentucky Area of expertise: Criminal law, Estate Planning & Administration law, Family law, Real estate law
Name: S.D.
Message: He's a great landlord.